Providing opportunities for innovation and better economic and health outcomes.


Grow fresh produce for better health

We will produce, process and distribute fresh foods such as poultry, dairy, fish and vegetables, fruit and herbs so countries can dramatically reduce imports, provide easy access for adults and children to fresh foods and ensure self-sufficiency throughout the country. Everyone will have a better diet from a broad range of foods being available locally ensuring better health and longer life expectancy.


Boat manufacturing for fisheries security and export industry capability

Global Industries Group is able to train and employ local people to build and maintain various sized vessels in-country. Large and small boats provide security of territorial waters whilst also developing the Nation’s fishing industry.

In addition, other water craft such as wave skis, kayaks, canoes and small leisure craft can be built easily creating additional jobs and industry for local employment and further National economic development through exports globally.


School feeding program

Global Industries Group is working with Governments to introduce school feeding programs to feed school children five days a week, in the cities, rural areas and even remote areas that are usually only reached by horseback! It is important to improve the diets of children and to educate them on the range of fresh foods and beverages available covering all food groups. Children will eat fresh chicken, fish, fruit and vegetables and will drink fresh milk and water daily.


Not only a Brewery and Distillery

By establishing a Brewery and Distillery, we will build an brewing industry in your country, to not only supply the country with freshly brewed beers, wine and spirits but also water varieties and non-alcoholic drinks.

Countries can also benefit from an export industry which will be sustainable forever.