Who We Are.


Global Industries Group, founded by Michael Francis, the key business initiator for the Company and its projects, is proudly supported by a highly qualified team of professionals in over 100 industry sectors including primary industries, agriculture, horticulture, fisheries, farming, product development and manufacturing of a large range products to suit all market needs and price points.

We are a Global product manufacturing licensing specialist incorporating marketing, sales, distribution and logistics of Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG). We are independently established under respective jurisdictions in 75 countries.

Global Industries Group understands first-hand the needs of developing Nation’s worldwide. With our vision, know how, skills and ability, we improve a country's self sufficiency outright. We have created 47,000 jobs globally and anticipate another 23,590 more people to be employed by 2023.

Global Industries Group working together with countries for their people and their Nation as a whole

Global Industries Group working together with countries for their people and their Nation as a whole